Tynningo is a 100 foot yacht Gordon Engle bought in Sweden. She was sent to Poland in November 2007. That's when the fun started with Keith and Paul. After I, Gordon, wired them $70,000 USD (see for value received scan in PICS signed by Keith) - they proceeded to use my cash for their own projects.One of my green diesel generators is still in Malbork Poland at Narrow Boats. It is worth $40,000!Also a piece of artwork by Peter Lik that is numbered and worth $20,000 - it is probably hanging in Keith's house.Both the generator and art pictures are on this site.
Good afternoon,
I am writing with a potential news story. Last year I worked for a man called Keith Lawrence Geary. I was employed as an engineer to develop a UAV (Drone) for the purpose of agricultural surveying. The equipment was built to a high standard and performed as expected, however I was never paid for the work I did. I obtained a court order against Mr. Geary to pay me £7000, the money was never paid and he was in breach of the court order. I have contacted an enforcement agency to recover the funds but they were unsucessful.
I later discovered that Keith Geary is a serial fraudster and has scammed people previously, along with his brother Paul Geary. They ran a boat enterprise in Poland and took hundreds of thousands of euros from customers and contractors. I also found out that Keith Geary was previously called Keith Burton.
I noticed a previous story on your website which I think is relevant http://www.nottinghampost.com/Mystery-owns-river-mooring/story-20226078-detail/story.html
A search on companies house shows that Keith has held directorships to numerous limited companies all of which have large liabilites.
I will be happy to share details of the case with you. I write with the hope that the story will be covered and warn others to avoid a similar ocurence.
Please do not hestiate to contact me, phone or email. I work in the week, but I'll try to answer any calls.
Leo Hogg.
Keith Greary or Keith Burton as he is known now is a serial con man. He now runs www.safeorscam.net
and extorts money from companies. He has a background in financial scams himself:
We will be creating an action group to bring together all the people this scum has scammed.
If anyone has been scammed by Keith Geary please email keithgearyscam@email.com with details.
We are starting a lawsuit against him and would be happy to add you to this if there is a case to answer.
Whoever has left the anonymous posts, this is very much appreciated. I've already been contacted regarding Keith's criminal activities which are still continuing. I'm still trying to get my money back.
Thank you whoever has left the anonymous posts. I am often contacted regarding Keith's criminal activities, looks like he will never stop I'm still owed thousands by Keith.
Dear Leo,
I sent you an email. It may not have gone through to you. However, I just wondered if you knew of any information that may help me. I am investigating the website safe or scam for an action of fraud, and I can see that a few people have mentioned that this website is the Geary's new scam. So, I am reaching out to you to try to find any potential information that links to them being involved with it. Other than what I can see on the Facebook page and blog, which has been helpful so far. If you have any information at all please do get in touch as it would be extremely beneficial to my investigation.
Many thanks
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